Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mrs. Clinton, exactly what foreign policy experience of yours are you talking about?

The original article in the Chicago Tribune. Sullivan's take.
"Pressed in a CNN interview this week for specific examples of foreign policy experience that has prepared her for an international crisis, Clinton claimed that she "helped to bring peace" to Northern Ireland and negotiated with Macedonia to open up its border to refugees from Kosovo." on.

Here is what David Trimble, the former First Minister of Northern Ireland had to say about it: "...being a cheerleader for something is slightly different than being a principle player."

And...while I'm getting angry...(and damn Andrew Sullivan for pointing this out) Clinton talks about being vetted. But where are the Clintons' tax returns and a complete list of donors to Bill's various causes? I'm afraid I'm beginning to buy into the view that the Clintons care more about themselves than about their was looking that way in general, and then Clinton started singing McCain's praises over Obama (sounds a little like, if I can't be the nominee, then I'll take you down with me) and her campaign compared Obama to Ken Star. Really, where does she come up with this? And uh, yeah, I stand by everything I previously said about Clinton representing politics as usual.
[The one bit of optimism: super delegates realize that Clinton's negativity is damaging to the party and throw their support behind Obama to seal the deal and shut her down.]
[Update March 22; Hillary March 17, 2008: "I remember landing under sniper fire ... we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles." Again, tip to Sullivan.]
[Update March 14; And with respect to SCHIP, the Boston Globe reports that Clinton doesn't really deserve credit for that either, here.]