Thursday, October 4, 2007

Random thoughts

I leave for Thailand on Monday. I can't wait.

I'm stupidly proud of how little I have packed - my hiking backpack isn't full even with my carry-on day bag inside of it.
I wish we had universal health care. I can't get the antibiotics my travel book recommends for traveler's diarrhea because I have to see a doctor to get a prescription. Without health insurance that doesn't really work (I did invest in traveler's insurance but it doesn't cover anything before the trip).
I'm looking forward to seeing a bunch of family members this weekend: it's my grandmother's 97th birthday.
Read about the Amazon MP3 store here. I used it today and it worked well.
Two down, one to go: another of my committee members approved my masters thesis.
I hope that flip flops and my keens (hiking sandals) will be enough in Thailand. I think I'm not going to bring a real pair of shoes. I think they'd be wet after two days and never dry off in all the rain.
I'm using some neighbor's wireless in my grandmother's backyard. The golden gate is straight in front of me, though I can't really see it through the trees. Berkeley has been beautiful while I've been here.
My dad's bone scan and MRI showed that his prostate cancer (recurrence) has not spread.
My grandmother and my aunt are doing very well. 
I need to go fix dinner.
Take care.