Sunday, November 18, 2007

Lili - our savior

     I woke up yesterday in Sangkhlaburi with food poisoning and a planned 7-hour bus trip to Bangkok. I pictured having to stop the bus every hour to let my diarrhea run its course. Soon enough I felt so bad that I asked Bet if we could delay our departure and take the 2 pm rather than the 10 am bus. I also started to think about just letting Bet go on her own - but I didn't feel like staying any longer in Sangkhlaburi. And I slept. The immodium kicked in so I wasn't on the pot every hour and with some sleep I felt well enough to go. On the bus I avoided getting car sick (I don't usually get motion sickness, but my stomach was jumbled up and I kept a plastic bag handy) and thankfully, never had to ask for a special stop. (The buses here stop once in a while at a bunch of food carts to let you eat. It's great.)
      So we made our way to Bangkok and met Mike's mom Lili. She is fantastic. She has taken us in to her beautiful home and made us feel very comfortable. After having eaten nothing but one piece of toast all day, the dinner she served was wonderful. And not-Thai. You all know I love Thai food, but after 6 weeks of nothing else, and a bout of food poisoning a western meal was a great relief. We slept on comfortable beds, we had hot showers. Traveling has been amazing but it's very nice to have some of the comforts of home again. Thank you Lili.
I'm not 100% but, as Bet pointed out around 6.30 pm yesterday, I have some color in my skin again.
Bet leaves tomorrow for San Francisco. I'm supposed to head to LA, but I have other plans....