Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Some perspective on my crisis of confidence

Erica Murray, a woman with whom I went to college but have not kept in touch, writes:


I was in a cab this morning to Logan Airport and my loquacious driver queried my plans to the point where I found myself explaining to this perfect stranger that I was going to France to get my cancer cured.

And, to my shock, it appears that is indeed what I am doing.

Life’s pace, daily priorities, distractions distractions—and I just haven’t given this journey its due psychological, spiritual, or emotional prep. Funny how in speaking plainly to a taxi driver I finally heard where I was going.

Erica is writing about her life and leukemia at

Erica's friend Erik is blogging at Erik looks vaguely familiar to me but I don't think we knew each other at Oxy. Erik has been digging through his garage and found a newspaper review of a play at SCR in which the reviewer mistook him for Will Farrell. "THEN, on the next page of my scrapbook, there's a retraction that basically says "in last week's review of SCR's Pinocchio, we mis-identified the actor who played the stagehand as Eric Patterson.... I realize I'm about sixteen years too late, but I kind of want to send them a letter asking for an apology for misspelling my name. ("In the 1991 review of SCR's Pinocchio, we misspelled...")"

Reflecting on the high school diary he found:
I don’t know what this string of words says about sixteen-year-old Erik, but it makes me feel incredibly boring, and I wish that sixteen-year-old Erik would just come out of the closet and get laid already.

Much of Erik's blog is devoted to the recovery of his and Erica's friend Uma, who suffered a severe brain aneurysm in January of 2007.
…yell a message to Uma out your window, as loud as you can. Make it as un-PC as possible, because Uma likes it that way.

…even if you read this blog and don’t know Uma…even if you’re just coming across this blog post, randomly—a blog reader passing in the night—please take a second to tell a dirty joke, think a hopeful thought, and send out some love into the ether…